Diario de Sevilla

Dylan con robot coterapeuta de Inrobics

A robot therapist at the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Seville.
The early care centres of the hospital order have integrated ‘Juande’ into their therapies to help children with developmental difficulties.



RTVE reports on the impact of our technology in the Early Childhood Care Centres in the area.

Centros Hospitalarios San Juan de Dios Andalucía have the Inrobics Rehab Clinic solution.

Media echo the repercussion of our technology in the Early Childhood Care Centres.

HispaRob Inrobics Rehab Virtual


“Inrobics Rehab Virtual” the new product from Inrobics that promises to bring rehabilitation into the home. A closer look at the launch of the new product Inrobics.o.

Antena 3, Espejo Público


Espejo Público: “Leo, a 10-year-old boy with a rare disease whose life has been changed by Artificial Intelligence”.

ABC Córdoba


ABC Cordoba: “San Juan de Dios Hospital in Cordoba acquires robots to help 2,400 children in Early Intervention”.

ABC Sevilla


ABC Sevilla: Leo and Juande, the beginning of a beautiful “friendship”.

ABC Córdoba


“A robot is already helping around twenty children in Early Intervention at the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Cordoba”.

RTVE Zoom Net


Special Viva Tech, Fundación ONCE, and Social Entrepreneurship. Inrobics appearance at minute 14:25. https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/zoom-net/08-06-24/16138557/